New Album Released 12-22-22 “Night Rider”
Night Rider is my twelfth album of 2022 produced by my homie Samwill from Tallahassee, Florida. This is some straight hype hip hop/rap/trap shit. All songs written, recorded, engineered, and performed by ya boy Garry With Two R’s. Released 12-22-22. All songs were recorded in front of a live studio audience on Twitch. After each song I smoked a fat ass bowl of weed or a long ass j and got high as hell.
Available on all other streaming services here
You can join in on the fun every night around 11pm pacific (west coast) time by clicking here.
Find more beats by Samwill by clicking here.
Monthly Giveaway
Every month on my stream you have the chance to win $22 or a free item from my merch shop. If you win, message me and let me know what item you want, your cashapp/paypal, or your btc/eth address and I’ll compensate you! For every 50 people that join, I’ll add an extra winner. So that means at 50 there’ll be two winners, three at 100, and so forth. I do these the 22nd of every month (2sday) in conjunction with my album releases.
How to enter the giveaway
Click here, hit spotify presave, and make sure you have the email button checked.
How do i draw the winner?
I add all entrants emails into an excel doc then use a random number generator to pick a winner.
How many prizes per month?
One per 50 people that join the giveaway.